Psalms 34:18 The LORD [is] nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.


I once had an orthodox rabbi tell me, “You Christians, you do not understand the heart of David, you are so one dimensional.”   Indeed we are, for we automatically assume that the expression of a broken heart means only one thing and we never seek to examine the dynamics of a broken heart when it comes from the lips of David.  Practically every modern translation will render lenisheveri as broken.  This gives the impression that God’s love is somehow special to those who have suffered a wounded heart.  Although such a thought can be of great comfort during a time of brokenness, I believe there is something much deeper that David is trying to express.


Most modern translations use the KJV as a model for their translations and as such they often move in lockstep with old and established renderings that have been endeared by Christians throughout the centuries.  Although the rendering of broken heart is fully appropriate, it does not allow for the ambiguity of the text.   My brother gave me some notes published by Wycliffe Bible Translators to assist me with my doctoral dissertation. In that I read a statement from a former professor at Dallas Seminary who is now on staff with Yale University.  He said that many of our modern translations often reflect the doctrine of the particular denomination or church that the translator represents.  In translating it is important to retain the ambiguity of many Hebrew words in ones renderings so that the reader will have the freedom to allow the Spirit of God to speak to him in ways that the teachings of his particular church would limit.


Lenisheveri lev is the perfect example.  By rendering this as broken heart to stay with tradition we limit what the Holy Spirit can reveal to us personally.  Broken heart is not a mistranslation or incorrect translation, it is just a limiting translation for these words express so much more of what was going on in David’s heart. Lenisheveri (broken) comes from the root word shavar.  The Lamed before the word is a preposition and the Nun indicates that it is in a Niphal form.   Rather than limiting our range of renderings it only broadness it and gives the Holy Spirit a lot of leverage to speak to the hearts of men.


One possible rendering for shavar (broken) is a break through. The Lord is near to those who are experiencing a breakthrough in their hearts.  A broken heart is often an opportunity for a breakthrough in one’s heart.   You often hear about rebounding after a couple breaks up.  People are often advised to wait a period of time before starting a new relationship as your heart is very tender after a break up and you may seek to fill that emptiness with another relationship too quickly and end up making a serious mistake.


David knew that when his heart was broken there was another suitor, God, waiting at the door.  When his other gods (lust, wealth, power, advisers, friends, etc.) failed him, God was there waiting for his chance to capture David’s heart.  David saw his broken heart as an opportunity.  As a wound, when healing is very tender, to the touch his wounded heart would be very tender to the touch of God and would feel God’s touch in a way he would never feel it prior to his loss.


You see David had a heart after God’s heart.  This did not only mean he understood God’s heart but that his heart was constantly seeking to be joined with the heart of God.  Hence, every wound he felt, every rose in his life that died, was an opportunity to experience the touch of God in a way he could not experience when all was well in his life, when every rose in his life was in bloom and healthy.


When that rose in your life fades or dies and you are left with a broken heart, what do you do?  You weep, you mourn, and you express your sorrow in many different ways.  These are normal responses and grieving must be allowed, but don’t let that wound blind you to the other suitor who is waiting at the door.  He is ready to seize the opportunity to touch your wounded heart and like David you can welcome your lenisheveri lev (broken heart) as an opportunity, a breakthrough, to feel the touch of God in a way you could never feel it when your rose was in full bloom.  When you suffer a broken heart you just want to be alone, but there is a Suitor at the door wanting to be alone with you who is quietly saying:

Outside the rain begins, and it may never end
So cry no more on the shore, a dream will take us out to sea
Forevermore, forevermore

Close your eyes, and you can be with me
‘Neath the waves, through the caves of ours
Long forgotten now, we’re all alone

Once a story’s told it can’t help but grow old
Roses do, lovers too so cast your seasons to the wind
And hold me close, oh hold me close

All’s forgotten now, my love
We’re all alone  – poem written by Boz Scaggs


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