Genesis 9:16; “And the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”


Why are there so many songs about rainbows,

And what’s on the other side, Rainbows are visions

But only illusions and rainbows have nothing to hide,

So we’ve been told and some chose to believe it,

I know they’re wrong, wait and see,

Someday we will find it, the rainbow connection,

The lovers the dreamers and me.

– Paul Williams-  performed by Kermit the Frog


A friend of mine shared with me about her really bad horrible day. She finally got her car out of the repair shop, paid $700 for the repairs and then no sooner made it half way home where her car broke down again. This on top of trying to recover from the flu which has really been laying people out lately plus her elderly mother also had the flu and she had to take care of her and then…well it just gets worse. It was just one of those days you just want to crawl back into bed and try to believe that this day took place in some alternative universe and tomorrow that worm hole will open and you will be able return to you normal sane world. But, in the midst of all this she saw a beautiful rainbow. She believed God sent it to her – just for her. I believe she is right. Rainbows are special to her and to her it was a blessed personal gift from God. Just because a few others get to enjoy her blessing doesn’t detract from it being a personal gift to her from God who was giving His precious little girl a special gift.


Why this was so special to my friend, well she has her reasons which she gave me permission to share except space limits me right now, perhaps in my future book on a Hebraic Understand of Worship I will share her story further.  However, for now I want to encourage all Christians to rise up and reclaim one of God’s great blessings to us that has been hijacked by New Age and other fringe groups causing Christians to back away from embracing this gift from God and making that rainbow connection. The enemy has been very successful in stealing this gift from God and it is time we reclaim it.


What makes the rainbow such a beautiful gift from God?  Well, I am glad you asked that question. So let’s go to the source, the Word of God and examine Genesis 9:16.  After God destroyed the world and all life except for the ones in the ark he sent a rainbow as a sign of his covenant to never destroy the earth by water again. The Bible does not call it a rainbow but just a bow. The word in the Hebrew is qos which means to be curved or bent. This is really referring to a bending in the sky.  Rainbow is just a modern term as it is a colorful bow in the sky seen after the rain.  For whatever reason the English puts the emphasis on rain. Yet that is not the emphasis in this passage. I learned in Sunday School that the promise from God was not to destroy the earth again by water.  But you know what, if you look into the built in commentary for the word rainbow or qos you will see another even more important promise. What I found so shocked me I will never look at a rainbow the same again and I will declare it a Christian symbol.


The word in Hebrew for rainbow qos is spelled Qof, Vav, Shin. The Qof speaks to us of a sacrifice, the Vav tells us that this sacrifice will connect us to heaven and the Shin teaches us that this connection will bring us the passionate love of God. Just insert Jesus into this picture as the sacrifice and you are set to go. My friend, despite her really horrible day looked up and saw the rainbow and was reminded of the passionate love of the God she loves. She made the rainbow connection. Maybe not the Kermit the Frog connection intended by Paul Williams but the connection that God intended for her and all of us to make. Today when I see a rainbow I don’t just say: “Oh, oh look at the pretty rainbow.” I just lift my hands to heaven and let the passionate love of God fill me while I am making a complete fool of myself to all the other people standing around gawking at the rainbow and then gawking at this crazy man in a baseball cap weeping for joy. I just tell myself I will never see these people again and they will never see me so fie on them because I am making my rainbow connection. I have never been to heaven but there is one thing I am sure of and that there is a God out there who loves me and I love Him and when two people love each other they long to be together. The rainbow is nothing more than light diffused into its many beautiful colors. Yet, light is our connection to heaven and earth.  Jesus declared that He is the light of the world, He is our connection between heaven and earth and the rainbow is only a symbol of that Light and its beautiful colors only tell us of the beauty of that Connection.


What is heaven? Where is heaven? I cannot answer that, I do know this heaven is where ever the God I love may be and I plan to make my rainbow connection permanent one day


Have you been half asleep? Have you heard His voice?

I’ve heard Him calling my name. Is this the sweet sound

That calls the lost sinner? That voice is one and the same,

I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it, something I’m supposed to be

Someday I hope you find it, the rainbow connection, it is for lovers,

And dreamers that’s me.



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