Psalms 23:5-6: “Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies, thou anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”


This is one of those passages that is so familiar to us that we never really stop to think about it.  Yet when you begin to really meditate on it, at least for myself, I begin to wonder just what the writer is really talking about.  For instance, I wasn’t sure I could explain what it means to prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies, or what the duce does anointing us with oil at this table have to do with anything? If I were to ask ten Christians what this means, I might end up getting ten different answers.


It has become important to me to come into my own understanding of this passage as I have taken to praying Scripture lately and this Psalm is one that I am praying, but I am not altogether sure just what I am praying about.


Commentators all have different ideas as to what it means to prepare a table in the presence of our enemies.  What is not often considered is that this anointing our heads with oil is grammatically a part of this preparing a table business and the commentators cannot seem to connect the two. I am a little uncomfortable with the explanation that this is oil is an oil that a shepherd would rub over the wound of a sheep who happens to become entangled in a thorn bush. This does keep with the shepherding motif, but the writer seems to make it a point that it is the head that is anointed and if a sheep suffers such a wound it would likely be on the body and not the head. Also, the explanation has nothing to do with preparing of a table.


I did locate an explanation in Jewish literature that seems to be a better fit. It is a custom in Oriental culture, as it is today, that when a king or tribal leader wishes for a reconciliation with an enemy or he wants to create peace and reconciliation between two other warring nations or individuals, he will prepare a banquet. The honored guest is usually anointed with an essential oil most likely frankincense, myrrh or some oil that contains a strong fragrance. It was most likely Frankincense as this was considered the oil of a king. This was not just some preacher dipping his finger in olive oil and making a sign of the cross on one’s forehead.  This was a real messy affair with the oil covering the person’s entire head, hair and face. Pure frankincense was known and it has been proven by modern science to create a peaceful and calming effect when placed on ones forehead. I mean, if you can get ahold of some pure frankincense, give it a try you will discover it does have a tranquil effect on you. That is why the king would really douse the two warring parties with this stuff so they would experience a relaxed and peaceful feeling and be more willing to lay aside their swords and talk peace. This oil was very expensive and to use so much of it, indicated that this individual was greatly favored by the king or host. This fragrance would follow the old boy around from days. Another reason for inviting the parties to a meal was to offer plenty of wine to put the parties in a jolly mood so they would be open to peace negotiations.


If the oil represents the Holy Spirit, it is a picture of God giving us an overflowing measure of his Spirit which brings us peace and comfort or as the writer puts it goodness (Heb. tov – harmony with God) and mercy (Heb. chased -God’s lovingkindness) which follows us all the days of our lives.


This sounds good and this morning I was walking around praying this Psalm and not looking where I was going.  Suddenly, without realizing it, I walked right into my looking glass hanging from my Daleth and I passed right through. All of a sudden I found myself in Hebrew Esoteric Land in some sort of jungle and I sensed I was being pursued by all sorts of evils; manuscript deadlines, financial problems, health problems etc.   It was dark and the noise of these evil creatures was frightening. They were not just following me, they were pursing me. I began to run along some unseen path when I suddenly I sensed a presence close behind me.  I turned around and looked and saw Radaph (follow) with Tov (harmony with God, goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) right behind him.  All three stopped and stood up straight when I looked at them. Then I turned and continued running forward.  After a few more paces I turned around and again my three companions stopped, stood up straight and looked at me, but they had come no closer to me.  “Look you guys,” I said to them,  “I could sure use some help around here, can’t you do more than just follow me?”  They looked at each other with blank stares, so I just ignored them and continued running trying to escape from all the dark forces.  After a few more minutes I had to stop and catch my breath. I looked behind me and my three companions were still following at the same distance. As I was anxious to escape the evils of this jungle I wanted to keep moving but also wanted to know why Radpah (follow), Tov (goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) were following me so I started to walk backward as the Pei from the word Radaph (follow) suddenly spoke: “I am the Pei, I represent speaking so I am speaking for my companions Resh and Daleth. We make up the word Radaph which means to follow.  Now the first letter of Radaph (follow) is Resh who represents guidance and the next letter is the Daleth who provides a doorway to escape difficulty and we really do need to warn you right now that you are about to…”   I was still walking backward, a little annoyed at these fellows so I interrupted Pei by saying: “Now listen to me you guys, just following me is not helping much, why what if I…..yow!!!!!”   I found myself laying on my back in the bottom of a deep pit.  I looked up and there were my friends Radap (follow), Tov (goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) looking down at me.  Pei spoke: “I was about to warn you that you were going to step into a pit.”


“ Well, thanks a lot” I said; “You think you can send Tov (goodness) and Chesed (lovingkindness) down here to get me out?  Pei shook his head: “I’m sorry I just make up the word Radaph which means to follow and Tov (goodness) and Chesed (lovingkindness) only follow you and advise you. I mean you’re in the pit now, and there is nothing we can do.”   “Well,” I said rather indignantly, “You’re a find set up Hebrew letters making up sweet little words yet you’re unable to help me out of a pit. What good are ya anyways?” I heard Radaph, Tov and Chesed conferring with each other and then Pei said; “I have some good news, Resh, Daleth and I form the word Radaph which also means to pursue, so Tov (goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) were not just following you, they were pursuing you to keep you from falling into the pit.” “Big whip” I said, “I’m still in this pit.” Pei replied rather sadly, “Well, I guess you are right about that.”


Suddenly, Radaph, Tov and Chased got into another rather excited discussion. Pei called down to me. “What verse were you reciting when you went through the your looking glass?  I replied it was Psalms 23:6. “That’s great” replied Pei encouragingly. “I am sending Tov (goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) back through your looking glass to get Yod who accompanies Resh, Daleth and I (Radaph – follow) to see if they can get a special passport for Chireq. “Chireq?”  I said in surprise, “Chireq is just a vowel and has no business in Esoteric Land, what good will he do me?”  But suddenly there he was, Chireq, just a little dot and he jumped right into the pit with me and landed on my hands. Yod, which is a letter that floats in the air floated down to my hand and connected to Chireq like two magnets and then said to me, “Just hang on to Chireq, we are now attached and I will float you out of here” Indeed we began to floated to the top of the pit. Radaph, Tov and Chesed grabbed hold of Yod and before long I was lifted out of the pit.  Everyone, including myself congratulated and thank Yod and Chireq. I turned to Yod and Chireq and said, “To think, I was saved by a vowel.”


When we returned through my looking glass, I watched as Radaph (follow) jumped back into Psalms 23:6 with Yod and Chireq taking their place in front of Radaph to form the word Yaradaph in Psalms 23:6. It was then I realized why Yod and Chireq were needed to rescue me. You see Radaph does mean that Tov (goodness) and Chased (mercy) are not only following me but pursuing me to keep me from falling into any pits, but they are preceded by Yod and Chireq who turns Radaph them into Yaradaph which puts them into a Piel form. By becoming a Piel Yaradaph will not only pursue me but overtake me and surround me if I happen to fall into a pit.  Tov (goodness, harmony with God) and Chased (lovingkindness) will follow me to instruct me in the path I am walking.  If the enemy approaches Tov and Chased will pursue me to protect me and if I fall into the enemy’s trap, Tov (goodness) and Chased (lovingkindness) will look to Yaradpah to surround me so Tov (goodness) and Chase (lovingkindness) can rescue me.

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