Matthew 8:6-9: “And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.”
Palsy in Aramaic is shera’ which means to be taken. It is the word used when a Jewish man declares that he has taken a bride. In other words he has taken the woman from her father to be his wife. The word in Greek is the word paralylikos where we get our English word paralyzed. The man was suffering so it was likely the paralysis from a stroke where a portion of your body feels like your hand when it “goes to sleep.” It has a prickly feeling and you have no control over it as if a foreign entity has taken over.
The Centurion’s native language was Latin and/or Greek but showing respect for Jesus he spoke in the language of Jesus. To the Greek mind the words ruka tanpha unclean spirit was often understood to be mental illness so the Centurion likely chose the word shera’ to be clear that his servant was taken over by a demon. By coming to Jesus he denounced the Roman gods to show his faith in the Jewish God Jehovah. Another reason he may have chosen the word shera’ is because it comes from the same root as sherara’ which means truth and integrity. Perhaps this Centurion was declaring that it was his servant who led him to his faith in the Jewish God and now the demons were attacking him out of revenge.
We must always seek to live a life of sherara’ truth and integrity for we may never know who we may influence to turn to God.

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