Is This Really Revival?


We prayed for a revival and all we got was a hug. No, there was no press coverage…

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We prayed for a revival and all we got was a hug.

No, there was no press coverage and no TV interviews, not even on a Christian channel. Most people wouldn’t have called what we saw “signs and wonders,” and we only had one healing that I know of. Still, if the revival of the Bible is epitomized by Ezra- and Jonah-type experiences, well, we had plenty of those.

You be the judge.

What is a revival really meant to accomplish? Should we lower our expectations and focus on hearing the voice of God?

In this book, you will see how God choreographed the lives and experiences of individuals, culminating in a moment of time when He brought it all together to heal a body of believers who had allowed pride and jealousy to destroy relationships.

Maybe your revival will not land you a book deal or appearances on Christian television, but it will give you a hug from God. Take it from someone who knows, a hug from God is far more wonderful than any book deal or television appearance.

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