Isaiah 6:5: “Then said I, “Woe is me for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips.”   I am quite baffled over the first word in the verse which is ’omar and not ‘omer. The word means to speak or say.  However, the word ‘omar is spelled with a patah under...


II Samuel 22:27: “With the pure thou will show thyself pure, and with the fraudulent thou wilt show thyself unsavory.”   This passage is part of a Psalm of praise by David.  It is the same as Psalm 18:26. This sounds real good that to the pure he will be pure....

{Word Study} To See “Nihzon”

WORD STUDY – TO SEE Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are those who are pure in heart for they shall see God.” To See: Aramaic – nihzon: experience, to see beyond normal perception. To see colors of emotions. God has no body and is invisible, so how can we “see Him.”   “Seeing...

Word Study: Wise Heart

WORD STUDY – WISE HEART Exodus 35:10: “And all the wise hearted among you shall come and make all that the Lord hath commanded.” Wise – Hebrew:  Hacam – teachable, skillful, knowing. Heart – Levav – Heart in the physical sense, life, reasoning,...