HEBREW WORD STUDY – BLESS ISRAEL – YABARAK ETH YISHIREL יברך את ישראל Yod Beth Resh Kap Alepth Taw Yod Shin Resh Aleph Lamed

Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Genesis 22:18: “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.”

We are all familiar with this promise that if we bless Israel we will be blessed, if we curse Israel we will be cursed. This promise then seems to be repeated ten chapters later in Genesis 22:18 where through the seed of Israel all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

Actually, these are two different promises. But before we discuss the differences we need to understand the words we are dealing with. The keyword in both verses is bless. In Hebrew, the word means to spur, encourage, or enable prosperity, joy, and happiness. When you bless someone you are aiding in their ability to succeed and be prosperous. In the Aramaic, I found it also means to pray for someone.

People often ask how they can bless Israel, well the very nature of that word bless means to pray for Israel. The Bible even calls us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalms 122:6. In Genesis 12:3 the word bless in in a Piel form. This is an intensive form. God will bless you with the same intensity with which you bless Israel. Note: it says that in Israel all families of the earth will be blessed. He did not say all nations would be blessed like in Genesis 22:18. Where is says that all the families of the earth will be blessed, the word blessed is in a niphal form which is a passive significance “to be blessed.” That is when Israel is blessed those who have been blessing Israel, that is supporting Israel with prayers which is what we all can do, and with other means of support which is something we all cannot do but there are some that God will put in a position to do more in a more tangible way. I know of a former congressman who is using his influence and contacts to help bring peace to Israel and those who seek to destroy Israel. We are not all people of such influence nor are we all people who have contacts but we can vote and our one measly little vote for a candidate who supports the cause of Israel is recognized by God.pray, we can write to our legislators. Oh, what does one measly little vote mean to a congressperson? I live in a district where there is little chance of the candidate who does support Israel will win, but I am giving my vote him anyways. I have to wave my flag for Israel somehow and I will do it that way. I am not doing it to get the promised blessing from God. But in a way, I guess I am. I feel God’s pleasure when I cast my vote for the candidate that supports Israel and you know what? Just feeling God’s pleasure is blessing enough for me.

Of course, there is the other side of the coin. God will curse those who curse Israel. There are a few words in Hebrew for curse and not all of them mean the same thing. This word is ‘a’or. This is not uttering a curse word at them or even doing what Balaam tried to do when he attempted to curse Israel. This is an actual act of sabotage. It is undermining, trying to bring ruin upon the people and nation. It is trying to weaken them.


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This would in effect be condemning Israel and the Jews, accusing them of things that will weaken their influence on the world and prevent them from being a blessing to the world. It would involve voting for candidates who oppose Israel. There are many ways to weaken the Jewish people and Israel through your own speech. As a result, God will weaken you and undermine you attempts to succeed.

You see God identifies Himself with Abraham engages with the friends of his descendants, the Jewish people. Their friends are God’s friends and their enemies are God’s enemies. History is filled with examples of this. Napoleon was a great general but was totally in inept when it came to running a government. However, he was aware that all the nations he was conquering were persecuting and curing the Jewish people. He also noticed how smoothly their communities were run. They knew how to run a government. So, he told the Jews, “Look, if no one wants you, I will take you. In fact, I will fight to restore your land in Israel. I will give you powerful governmental positions.” The rest is history, Napoleon became a very powerful man and prospered. But when his sons took over, the nation declined because they began to curse the Jewish people.

Some of the greatest advances in medical science come from Jews. I would not be surprised is a vaccine for COVID 19 doesn’t come out of Israel. So many advances in science and technology come from Jews.

This brings us to Genesis 22:18 where the nations are blessed. Genesis 12:3 refers to a personal blessing but 22:18 is a national blessing and note that the word blessed here is in a Hithpael form. It is reflexive. The nations will be blessed themselves when Israel obeys the voice of God. The benefits in medicine alone that the Jewish people have contributed to the nations is a good indication of that.

So, consider Psalms 122:6 next time you offer up prayers to God and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. What can one pray do? Only God knows, but He hears it and He is blessed in a Hithapel form when He hears it.

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